The Women’s Pelvic Floor Project

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The Women’s Pelvic Floor Project


The Women’s Pelvic Floor Project:

Limited to 10 participants

Zoom calls Monday’s from 7:00-9:00pm (EST)



Hosted by:


Complete entry assessment HERE.

(Thank you for completing your assessment. It helps me gather information and create the best possible program for everyone.)

The Women’s Pelvic Floor Project: $449/6-weeks, $799/12-weeks

(limited to 10 participants)

Do you ever rush to cross your legs when you feel a sneeze coming? Have you ever tried to hold it too long and failed?

My goal for this study is to begin to draw current population parallels to women’s pelvic floor health. I am concerned that many of my friends could be living with incontinence in silence and shame. First, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Did you know that no level of leakage is considered normal? None. Not even a little bit sometimes. Or I only have accidents occasionally. So, let me say that again… No level of leakage is normal. But I believe it’s possible to fix it!

I have helped women reduce lower back pain and leakage so that they could ride horses, jump on trampolines, or sneeze without rushing to cross her legs. I believe we can create a strong program together and transition women’s pelvic floor traumas and wounds into weapons of wholeness (and perhaps even pleasure).

Participation Contract: You will agree to…

· Complete incoming assessment for current pelvic floor awareness and health.

· Maintain a 6-week journal of MWB homework. Minimum goal is 3x weekly.

· Be willing to get out of your comfort zone for the sake of transformation.

· Participate in 1-weekly group practice via Zoom for first 6-weeks, then 1:1 Zoom calls for 30-minutes each week for second 12-weeks.

· Complete outgoing assessment.

Why Zoom?

Turn your camera off. The pelvic floor is a vulnerable area of our body. I want you to feel safe to explore.

Women from all over the country will be able to participate in this small study of a yogic pelvic floor transformation.

No yoga experience necessary.

Calling on all women!

The Bible Study

God redeems ALL things including the beauty and functionality of the female form. We are God’s children and He wants us to be brave with the gifts He offered.

You are a vessel.

He created through many of our bodies and He doesn’t want to leave us hurting. Sometimes we have lessons to learn and patterns to change.

You can sneeze with confidence.

You can reduce lower back pain.

You can get back on trampoline or horseback.

God didn’t create us to be ashamed to love well in these vessels. But healing takes participation. So together, let’s link arms and vulnerably approach this sensitive subject with curiosity and a little humor too. An empowering approach to transform wounds into weapons .

All levels are welcome.

Classes will most likely be held Monday evenings, 7-9pm (EST)

With Gratitude,


Zoom + workbook

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